Project Lead
The project lead is a paid role and as such has ultimate responsibility for everything that happens during the time that the project is open. They are the first point of contact for the Shift Lead and Deputy Shift Lead. They will deal with any issues regarding the volunteers or the guests. They will have sufficient experience to be able to deal with difficult guests and will know when incidents need to be escalated e.g., calling the police. They will also be able to answer any volunteer queries or problems brought to them by the Shift Lead/Deputy Shift Lead. The money that is needed for everyday items e.g., newspaper or small items of food/clothing are kept in a locked money safe. The Project Lead has the key to this. The Project Lead will be first to arrive and last to leave but the building will be unlocked and locked by the caretaker.
Shift Lead
This is a role for experienced volunteers. The Shift Lead needs to be in the building before the volunteers arrive to make sure that everything is set up for the day. They need to make sure that there is a space for a shift briefing. This is very important, especially for new volunteers and sets the tone for the day. There is a checklist to ensure that essential information is covered in the briefing. This helps with consistency. Volunteers may be working on more than one day and with more than one Shift Lead and it is expected that they have a very similar experience. The Shift Lead is responsible for the smooth running of the shift. They will wear an arm band to identify themselves and along with the Deputy Shift Lead, are the first point of contact for volunteers. It is suggested that the SL and DSL take responsibility for either the George St entrance or the Lower Hall. They may choose to swap locations with the DSL at 11:30 when the volunteers move. They will have a set of keys to the internal doors of the building as necessary.
Deputy Shift Lead
The Deputy Shift Lead supports everything that the Shift Lead does and will work very closely with them. The Deputy Shift Lead should take the responsibility of letting volunteers into the building. While the Shift Lead delivers the briefing the DSL can help to remind them of anything that they might have missed and complete the rota with names of the volunteer.
General Volunteers
The shift will be for 20 volunteers - 10 experienced general volunteers and 10 new general volunteers.
General Volunteer roles-
Lower Hall-Serving at tables
You will be responsible for your own table and will be taking orders for food (breakfast, lunch, takeaway tea as well as hot and cold drinks) throughout the shift. You will be given a small pad to write the orders and a pencil/pen. Please make a note of the position that the guest sits in so that you can remember which meal they ordered and give it directly to them; this is a mark of good service. Large trays are available for you to carry food from the hatch. Please clear and wipe the tables as you go, so that the tables are a pleasant place to sit and socialise after meals. You can sit and socialise with the guests and sit and eat with them once service is complete.
Lower Hall-Tea Bar
You will be preparing tea, coffee and cold drinks to meet the orders of the people serving at the tables. Please keep the area clean and tidy and clear up as you go along. Cloths and cleaning spray will be available for this in the kitchen.
Lower Hall-Non-food serving
You will be taking orders from guests for clothes items. You will have a pad and pencil/pen to write down the orders. Please add the guests name in order to take the items back to them as quickly as possible. Go to the clothes store and select the items that best suit the description from the guest. You may bring more than one item that fits the description for the guest to have some choice. Offer them new underwear, socks, hats, gloves and toiletries if they are available. 11.00-12.00 organise games of prize bingo. Equipment, bingo cards and prizes are available. Please make sure that prizes are rationed in order to last the length of the project. If entertainment is booked this will take place between 11-12. Please help the visitors with whatever they need to set up. The area behind the dining tables will be used for this.
Lobby area outside the kitchen
There will be a lot of guests coming to and going from the Lower Hall this year. You will be standing in this area to point guests in the right direction and prevent them from wandering into the kitchen or through doors into other areas. Please welcome guests, make sure that they know where to go and have a chat with them.
Clothes Store Lead
You will be in charge of the clothes store making sure that it is tidy at the beginning of a shift and that it is fully stocked at the end of the day for the next day. You will manage the general volunteers that are on the rota to help you. You will also manage the expectations of the guest and refer any disagreements to the Shift Lead or project Lead.
George St. Entrance
It is important that this area is kept as welcoming, calm and tidy and as possible. The Shift Lead or Deputy Shift Lead will be present to make sure that things are running as smoothly as possible. The Project Lead may also spend a good proportion of their time at the entrance or on the street.
This is an important role because our guests will still be taking some of their food away. We want to be good neighbours to the other businesses in the area. (We have had comments which say that the area is tidier than it normally is!) You will have a hi-vis tabard, a litter-picker, a hoop and a store of plastic bags. Walk up and down George St. picking up any litter you see. You will also interact with our guests and other members of the public (please tell them about what you are doing and HARC in general if you can). Take the full plastic bags to the bin store at the side of the building. Please ask how to get to this if you don’t know.
Welcoming and serving meals
You will be the first face of HARC for the guest. Be welcoming and friendly. Direct them to the Lower Hall if they would like to stay inside. Take the orders for hot breakfast (first half shift) or hot lunch (second half shift). There will be insulated boxes with a range of labelled food inside for you to take the food from. You may need to go to the kitchen to replenish the insulated boxes.
Assisting with clothes items
Ask guests if they would like to visit the clothes store. Accompany them and assist them with choosing clothes. Act as a "personal shopper". Limit guests to 2 or 3 items each. Limit the number of new items e.g. underwear and socks that they have. Find a bag for them to carry their items away with them if necessary. Limit the amount of time that they are in the clothes store so that there is enough time for those that would like to visit the clothes store. The clothes store will be open from 10-12 and 1-2, that is outside of meal times.
Catering Lead
This is a paid role. The Catering Lead will have been involved with everything to do with food from the planning stage earlier in the year. The Catering Lead will be the first person in the building so that food preparation can begin. The Catering Lead will have a key to the building and will be responsible for letting the Project Lead and Shift and Deputy Shift Lead into the building (the DSL will then take the responsibility of letting volunteers into the building). The Catering Lead is very familiar with the building. They have the ultimate responsibility for everything that happens in the kitchen. They will greet the kitchen volunteers, tell them about the menus for the day and give them immediate tasks.
Kitchen Volunteers
As a kitchen volunteer you will prepare and cook all the food under the direction of the Catering Lead. You will also clear and wash up as needed. It is important to leave the kitchen so that other volunteers can start work immediately the next day. A deeper clean maybe necessary on the last day of the project to leave the kitchen as it was found on the first day. The Catering Lead will give you full instructions about this.