We depend on donations from organisations, businesses, trusts and individuals to fund our project. We couldn't do it without them and would like to take this opportunity to offer our thanks to those listed below.​​​​​​​​​​
Churches that supported us in 2024:​​
Greenmoor Methodist Church
Mayfield Chapel
Wisewood Methodist Church
St Andrew's Church
Totley Rise Methodist Church
Handsworth Methodist Church
Ecclesfield Parish Church
Stannington Methodist Church
Dronfield Baptist Church
Trinity United Reform Church
Woodhouse Trinity Church
Stanwood Methodist Church
Fulwood Old Chapel
House Central Church
Organisations that supported us in 2024​
Dore Mercia Townswomen Guild
Inner Wheel of Hallam
Sheffield Dickens Fellowship
Sheffield Folk Sessions Festival
Hunters Bar Infants school
Meersbrook Park Church Operatic Soc
New Barrack Tavern
Upper Chapel
Grants Awarded by:​
Paul Grant Charitable Trust
Dennis Alan Yardy Trust
HM Burdell Trust
Freshgate Trust
Harry Bottom Charitable Trust
Queen Victoria and Johnson Memorial Trust
J G Graves
Sir John Osborn Charitable Trust
Oliver Borthwick Memorial Trust
SSC Ward Pot
South Yorkshire Community Foundation
Barratt Foundation
Thanks to the manager of Nisbets for the generous discount that he gave us on plates, bowls and mugs so that our guests had nice "crockery" to eat from.​
Thanks also to the individuals who generously give throughout the year.